Sirmai Arts Marketing

delivers elegant, economical and effective publicity.

Sirmai Arts Marketing

Geoff Sirmai

Sirmai Arts Marketing delivers elegant, economical, effective publicity. Plus a whole lot more.

Because publicity, after all, is only one piece of the marketing pie.

Our approach is built on strategy, not whim. It embraces all platforms, all media, on a horses-for-courses basis.

Managing director Geoff Sirmai is a communications guru with 25 years' media experience as print journalist, radio presenter, TV producer & reporter.

He also comes from a professional performing arts background.

How many publicists can offer this level of expertise?

Sirmai Arts Marketing: Publicity Plus.

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Are you ready to make a splash? Want your art to reach new audience and make new fans, way beyond the limits of your network, of your imagination? Your team’s work deserves the best shot at reaching its potential.

Let us help you make an impact, bring your vision to the audience your efforts deserve. With our strategic guidance, long experience and close, regular media relationships, we’ll work together to turn your dreams into accomplishments.