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Why PR?

Why would you ‘do’ PR?

In the words of Maria in The Sound of Music… let’s start at the very beginning (a very good place to start!)

Professional publicity is an essential part of the promotional mix in gaining profile for your event and getting 'bums on seats'.

Just as marketing (advertising, posters, flyers and direct mail etc) and social media networking are important in promoting a show, media publicity - which involves, essentially, free editorial - is essential in getting your event known in a crowded arts and media world.

A publicist arranges free editorial or 'below-the-line' promotions - press articles, radio and TV interviews, what's-on listings in the press and on the web and feature articles. We invite special opening night guests and reviewers. The benefits are obvious - especially for companies whose budget may not stretch to expensive advertising!

Remember, advertising is still transparently yourself blowing your own trumpet.

And social media like Facebook will only reach those - at most - a few degrees of separation away. Don't mistake Facebook for publicity!  Remember, as the Bard might have said,  "A Facebook 'like' doth not a ticket sale make!"

Media coverage through publicity reaches new audiences. Press and electronic media coverage carry the weight of editorial approval, complementing the more transparent self-promotion of advertising and other marketing tools.

Your creative team also appreciate coverage which rewards them for their efforts and gains them wider professional recognition. It enhances your company reputation and reinforces your 'brand'. All of which is not easily done without the skills, the contacts and the dedicated time that a professional publicist offers.

Don't make the amateur's mistake of trying to handle promotion yourself.

With vast experience, state-of-the-art communications skills, and an unmatched network of contacts and a regular close relationship with hundreds of specialist arts media, Sirmai Arts Marketing will take the hard work - and guess-work - of media publicity off your hands. Which leaves you the time and space to get on with your main business... that's show business!

Remember, putting on a show without publicity is like winking at someone cute in the dark: you know what you're doing - but no one else does!